タイム アンド スタイル トータルサポートした店舗のインテリアデザインを紹介

Maison Paris, France     Interior design: Atelier Tsuyoshi Tane Architects 
Furniture: Time & Style
Photo by @11h45



 TIME & STYLE Newsletter

タイム アンド スタイルがトータルサポートした


タイム アンド スタイルでは、レストラン、ホテル、オフィスなど様々なスタイルの店舗や施設のデザインから、個人邸やモデルルームのコーディネート、リノベーションまでお客様の理想を形にするインテリア提案をいたします。イメージづくりから具体的なプランニング、検証を重ねた設計、施工管理までトータルでサポートし、オリジナリティの高いインテリアデザインを創造してゆきたいと考えています。

オリジナル家具のデザインをベー スにサイズ・仕様・素材を変更できるセミオーダーをはじめ、お客様のご要望や用途に合わせたフルオーダーまで、様々なご相談を承ります。北海道の自社工場では、特注家具や造作家具の設計・製造をよりフレキシブルに行い、総合的なプロジェクト提案を実現しています。


Time & Style offers interior design and furniture coordination for various types of stores and commercial facilities, including restaurants, hotels, and offices, as well as interior coordination and remodeling for private residences, model rooms to give shape to customer's desires.

From image building to specific planning, repeatedly tested design to construction control, we offer total support to create highly original interior design in cooperation with our customers.

We offer an array of custom-made services, including a semi-order, which allows you to change the size, specifications, and materials based on the design of our original furniture, as well as made-to-order furniture.

In our factory in Hokkaido, we have the manufacturing flexibility to design and produce custom-order furniture to suit the various desires, and we can realize a total project proposal together with the process extending to production.




Paris, France
Interior design: Atelier Tsuyoshi Tane Architects
Furniture: Time & Style
Year: 2019 

Photo by @11h45


The restaurant's name, "Maison," means house in French, which is also its theme.

The furniture was custom-made for the restaurant from designs based on their ready-made furniture. All of the furniture on the second floor has colours custom-created to match the floor and ceiling terracotta.

Time & Style made use of full manufacturing technology to give life to the vision of the architects and chefs.

The eight meters main table (photo below) is an essential element for the Maison as a Table d' hôte. It was produced by connecting two boards of solid ash wood of four meters each. 

Photo by @11h45

Photo by @11h45

Mikuni izu kogen

Shizuoka, Japan
Architect: Kengo Kuma and Associates
Furniture: Time & Style
Year: 2019 


Set high among the lush nature overlooking Sagami Bay, Mikuni izu kogen is a restaurant created by chef Kiyomi Mizukuni and architect Kengo Kuma.

The building is composed of a robust and solid-wood frame of beautiful Japanese cypress, which harmonizes well with the restaurant's emphasis on cuisine that makes the most of the raw ingredients.

The seating is also designed to let the raw materials shine, and the tables are made of Japanese cypress, just like the building itself.

For the indoor chairs, we selected chairs with solid-wood frames that are both spacious and comfortable. For the terrace chairs, we used products developed in a 2010 collaboration between our company and Mr. Kuma.







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(文:制作 PR-H_PR制作部-5  /  更新日:2020.05.20)


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