Time & Style Midtown 『水野克俊 うつわ展』 2023.4月 開催



Time & Style Midtown 
水野克俊 うつわ展
Katsutoshi Mizuno porcelain exhibition

2023年4月1日(土) – 4月30日(日) 



タイムアンドスタイルミッドタウンでは2023年4月1日(土) – 4月30日(日) の期間、『水野克俊 うつわ展』を開催いたします。


作家在店日:2023年4月1日(土) – 4月3日(月) 
Time & Style Midtown   ⇒  READ MORE





Time & Style Midtown will host the Katsutoshi Mizuno Porcelain Exhibition from Saturday, April 1. Prior to that exhibition, which will bring together many of Mizuno’s previous pieces, we would like to introduce some of his newer works. Mizuno’s tableware captures timeless patterns and forms that have been loved for ages, but they are created as tools for modern life and add rich decoration to today’s dining table. 

Along with the arrival of spring, we will again host the Katsutoshi Mizuno Porcelain Exhibition.  

Holding one of Mizuno's works, one feels the surety of a daily-life implement retained within its delicate form. This is because it captures the shape and form of a vessel made by a potter of long ago and reflects Mizuno's attitude toward such vessels, one of deep respect for classical forms. The result is a utensil that beautifully decorates the dining table. 

Mizuno says that throughout his many years of making vessels, the one thing that has not changed is his humble approach toward learning from classical works. Even today, he constantly works at his wheel in pursuit of universal beauty. 



水野克俊 略歴
1960 広島県呉市生まれ
1981 大学卒業後、瀬戸窯業訓練校に入学
1982 九谷青窯入社
1990 愛媛県旧広田村にて独立
2010 呉市に移転 

Katsutoshi Mizuno profile
1960 Born in Kure, Hiroshima Prefecture
1981 After university graduation, enrolled in Seto Yogyo Kunren-ko school for ceramics
1982 Joined Kutani Seiyou
1990 Became independent in the former village of Hirota in Ehime Prefecture
2010 Relocated to Kure

Instagram @katsutoshi.mizuno 


2023年4月1日(土) – 4月30日(日) 
11:00 – 20:00(無休) 
作家在店日:2023年4月1日(土) – 4月3日(月) 
Time & Style Midtown 
〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂 9-7-4 東京ミッドタウン ガレリア 3F 
東京メトロ日比谷線, 都営大江戸線 六本木駅 直結
東京メトロ千代田線 乃木坂駅 徒歩 7 分 

1 April - 30 April, 2023  
11:00 – 20:00 (Open throughout the year) 
The artist will be present from April 1 through April 3. 
Time & Style Midtown
Tokyo Midtown Galleria 3F, 9-7-4 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0052 Japan 
Tel +81 (0)3 5413 3501 








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(文:制作 TIME & STYLE_PR制作部-1  /  更新日:2023.03.15)


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